Me: Day 22: today I am thankful for music. Singing with my kiddo is the best thing ever.
Janey: what songs does he like to sing with you?
Me: Moonshadow is his current favorite. He belts the bridge like a crazy person. It's hilarious! He also chooses Swing Low Sweet Chariot a lot. He always has a bunch of questions when we sing that one.
"Mom, what are vainjels?"
"You know, (sings dramatically) 'a band uh vaaaaain-jels come in for me'. And why are they coming in for you?"
-- Facebook post and comments from November 22, 2011
April 3, 2012
I don't specifically remember how we spent the morning. I have flashes of memories, but most of them center around trying to not appear stressed out in front of Sam. I do remember going along with the story that a bunch of people were going to come get him and take him to a "surgery party". He got some premedication and was having a great time as we all paraded down the hall on the way to OR.
I remember kissing him in the hallway, smiling until my face felt like it was going to split, and telling him that I couldn't wait to hear all about his party. I don't think I cried until he was gone.
I remember how badly it hurt to watch them wheel his bed away.
Dr. S had told us the surgery would take "five to fifteen hours" depending on what they found when they got in there. We all hunkered down to wait.
Jordan, his family, and some friends waited in the waiting room.
Papi went back to the Ronald McDonald House; knowing him he spent the day cleaning or finding repair projects to volunteer for.
Grammy (my mom) and I spent most of the day in Sam's PICU room. There were two rocking chairs set up side by side in the void left by his missing bed. The monitor screen was off. The IV pump was off. The TV was off. We sat and, as we rocked, she knitted the arm of a sweater. She took apart and reknitted that same sweater arm a bunch of times during the months that followed. I held my cell phone, waiting for the calls that would come from the OR to update us on how things were going.